Wow – what a year. We have a lot to process, so this month I’m keeping it brief.
For the holidays, I wanted to offer up many of the holiday posts we’ve done in years past here at Catharine Ecton Coaching. Instead of coming up with something new, I realized: these coaching concepts work, even now. Even in strange times, the principles are timeless and effective.
In 2018, our holiday blog post was all about Robert May’s 1939 children’s story, written at the height of the Great Depression. In 2020, I believe the underrated virtue he explored in his now-folkloric tale is more relevant than ever.
Especially now, when many of us are separated from loved ones or celebrating in different ways, it is especially crucial to listen. Read this blog post from 2018 for my list of 7 Ways to Listen. I’m sure you’ll find one or two that really resonate today!
10 Mindfulness Tips from the DC Life Coach to Help Combat Holiday Stress
I haven’t been hearing as much lately about holiday “stress.” In 2020, it’s been more about the holiday “blues.” But swap out the word “stress” for “blues” and I know this one will really speak to you. If there’s anything you practice this holiday, let it be mindfulness. There are 10 ways you can do so in this post.
Friends, The Family You Choose: the DC Life Coach’s Tips for Building Great Friendships)
It feels like forever ago that I took a trip to cheer on one of my swim team friends who participated in an Ironman competition. What fun we had in 2018; I’m cherishing the memories more than ever. Still true from this one:
- generosity is contagious,
- healthy fit women are beautiful,
- real friends are everything,
- age is just a number, and so many more.
Even though it’s trying not to see my friends as much this year, the 7 Life Coaching Concepts I use to build great friendships are as true as ever. We’re all learning ways to stay connected despite our current social distancing cultural norms. It’s nice to know that the friendships I’ve built over the years are there for me, no matter what.
Last year, I was personally inspired by many of my life coaching clients, who practice kindness even when they are struggling with some pretty big issues of their own. During the pandemic, I’ve been moved by the kindness I see everywhere: expressions of thanks to essential workers, heartfelt messages from family and friends, food deliveries to those in need, PPE donations to healthcare workers working on the front lines … I could go on. Kindness—which has been scientifically shown to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression—can literally put us, and others, at ease. It works wonders in the relationships we have with ourselves and with everyone else, even with people we don’t know. Like magic, it opens up whole new worlds of possibility to us.
In case you didn’t get to read it last month, I’m including our Thanksgiving 2020 post here as well. I’m finding the principles in it apply to everything right now.
Happy Holidays from Catharine Ecton Life Coaching
Right now, many of us are struggling. What we are experiencing in our 2020 holidays might feel like a stark contrast to everything that went before. But Life Coaching can be a lifeline back to what makes your life so special.
With the right tools, powerful questions, and the courage to focus and adjust, we can find the sweet spot to balance the changes – and let go of the anxiety and stress getting in the way.
I’ve provided these free tools to you today, but consider investing in life coaching as a gift to yourself this holiday season – it might be the best gift of all! Schedule your free initial Life Coaching consultation today. We’ll
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